Simon Cowell’s new show, The X Factor, premiered on Wednesday and the show already had its first cringe-inducing performance. A guy named Geo Godley took the stage and performed his song, I’m A Stud. The only problem was that while he was singing, he undid his belt and let his junk flop around freely.
Since, the Parents Television Counsel is having a royal fit over the performance. The show put their logo over his junk, but the PTC said that since the show was pre-recorded, the bit shouldn’t have aired it in the first place. They’re miffed because the networked aired the show when they knew children would be watching.
Now, Geo is coming out with a statement saying that he wasn’t actually naked. He said he was really wearing a g-string. Still, it was offensive to watch…but with the logo over his junk, people can’t really complain….Can they?
Mandy Moore
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